Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 2 - Partes de la jaula

Some barrotes are partdecoration. They are part of the jaula. The description of barrotes is "Demasiado gruesos como para torcerlos o romperlos. Probablemente abrir la puerta es la mejor opción para acceder al interior de la jaula.".

Understand "barrote" as barrotes when barrotes is visible.

A puerta are partdecoration. It is part of the jaula. The description of puerta is "No es más que una lámina de hierro oxidado con un cerrojo.".

Understand "lámina" as puerta when the puerta is visible.

A cerrojo are partdecoration. It is part of the jaula. The description of cerrojo is "No es muy grande, ni muy resistente, aun sin la llave correcta tal vez se pueda forzar con facilidad si dispones de algún instrumento largo y delgado.".

Understand "cerradura" as cerrojo when cerrojo is visible.

Instead of opening thing which is a part of jaula (this is the openjaula1 rule):
    try opening jaula.
Instead of unlocking thing which is a part of jaula with a thing (this is the openjaula2 rule):
    try opening jaula.

The openjaula1 rule is listed before the actpart rule in the instead rules.
The openjaula2 rule is listed before the actpart rule in the instead rules.

Instead of putting a thing on cerrojo:
    try opening jaula.

Instead of putting a thing on puerta:
    try opening jaula.